セキスイ畳「M I G U S A」 – Sekisui Tatami, Migusa

表彰対象 セキスイ畳「M I G U S A」
表彰対象者 積水成型工業株式会社
地区 大阪府 大阪市

Sekisui Tatami, Migusa
Award Recipient: Sekisui Seikei, Ltd.
Area: Osaka, Osaka



Sekisui Seikei’s tatami mats, Migusa, are resin-made tatami mats made to recreate natural igusa (soft rush plant) and similar plants used to make tatami. In addition to the igusa traits, like the gentle texture and absorbency, these tatami mats are highly durable and reliable. There is more to it, though, than just the natural igusa feeling, such as a variety of colors, as well as exceptionally durable polypropylene and environmentally friendly natural inorganic ingredients that create the base for of the material. Among other aspects which show concern for the global environment, the mats do not give off dioxins even when burnt. Furthermore, the mats can reduce the growth of mites and mold that can cause allergies, as well as reduce the formaldehyde discharge that are said to be a cause of sick house syndrome, so even homes with children can use the mats with a peace of mind.

